Tonight I samples yet another beer from the long list of "clever" hop-related-name beers...see also: Hoppyum, Hopsecutioner, Hop Devil, Hop Slap, Alphaphylactic Hop (seriously), Hop Zombie, Hop Burn...and on and on and on (seriously, serach for it)...
Hoppin' Frog's Hop Dam is pretty hoppy. Labeled as a Triple IPA (not to be confused with Miller Lite's "triple hopped" marketing), its no shock that it rings in at 10% ABV...and probably really is "triple hopped." This is a pretty bitter brew, not the most bitter that I've had, but certainly has some bite (Hoppin' Frog's website lists the IBU as "HIGH" has got to be over 100...lots of citrus and pine hoppiness, but only a marginal malt backing. The brew pours an almost orange hue and is packed with sediment (almost a half-inch at the bottom of my bomber)...not exactly a selling point for me, but still drinkable (and gets even more drinkable as it warms). I wasn't floored by Hop Dam, just as I haven't been floored with most of the other "clever" names (Hopslam completely excluded), but the beer is exactly what it claims to be...a supper hoppy imperial IPA...good enough for a Monday night.
ohtheguilt Ba score = 3.5 out of 5.0
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