Thursday, February 9, 2012

Dogfish Head Noble Rot

If you like white wines, tonight's beer is for you.
Dogfish Head's noble Rot is (apparently) an experiment with grape must that has yielded a "beer" that is perfectly appropriate for the non-discriminating wine drinker. Think of a pinot think about a bit more tart on the front end and a bit more sweetness on the just thought of Noble Rot. The brew is slightly darker than champagne, and nearly as clear...the aroma is very similar to saison, but grape/wine overtones are obvious. At 9.0% ABV, Noble Rot isn't quite as strong as a pinot grigio, but for some reason, it is easier to drink (not that pinot grigio is difficult to drink)...maybe its the sweet finish or maybe its just the plain and simple fact that it was brewed by DFH...

As usual, DHF is on the leasing edge of brewing, and while this is obviously a finely crafted beer, it just isn't my gig. If Mrs. ohtheguilt was home right now, I guarantee she would easily handle the rest of this bottle.

ohtheguilt Ba score 3.0 out of 5.0

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