Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boulevard Brewing - Smokestack Series The Sixth Glass

Yet another brewery that doesn't have distribution in Georgia. Luckily my trip to AL a few weeks ago netted a few different brews from Boulevard's Smokestack Series...The Sixth Glass (Quadrupel Ale) was my choice from the stash today.
The Bros from Ba gave The Sixth Glass a 100...i.e. a perfect score. And although, I trust them, I could not reciprocate. So...this certainly is a quad... a lot of malt and a ton of fruit...unfiltered and very sweet. This thing is dangerously easy to drink at 10.5% ABV, but the alcohol isn't necessarily hidden; it is just nicely "masked" by the sweetness and smoothness of the beer. I've never really gone out of my way to purchase a Belgian-style beer before, and while this is a really good example of an "American" quad, i still don't think I am convinced. The Sixth Glass is very well made and extremely drinkable, but it just isn't my style. That said, the Smokestack Series appears to be very finely crafted by Boulevard...the beers that i have had (Double-Wide, Saison-Brett, and now The Sixth Glass) have all hit their marks (whether they are my style or not). I will continue to pick these up as I find them...

ohtheguilt Ba score 4.0 out of 5.0


  1. I've also had this one and I'd probably rate it around a 3. The Avery Reverend is a much better american quad IMO. I usually stick to Le Trappe as it's not much more and is always great. My favorite has been a Rochefort 10, but that could have been because I was eating the best burger I've ever had at the burger bar in Vegas. I'm not sure if it's just my experience, but a pretty heavy meal really makes a quad stand out more.

  2. copy that. quads aren't really my gig, so i can't say i have had many of them. I will, however, search out the two you mentioned and give them a shot, along with the Avery for an additional American example...thanks for the input!
