Against all my better judgement, I picked up a bottle of Brewdog's Storm. The beer is billed as an Islay Whiskey cask aged IPA. I grabbed this bottle at Liquor Barn in Louisville (nothing against them) back in December, and I DID check the "best before" date. Knowing full well that an IPA bottled in 2008 was a horrible idea, I spent 5 bucks on it anyway. So this bottle has been in my fridge since early January and I decided I'd go ahead and crack it open...again, fully expecting to be disappointed. I was. Drain pour. It literally took one sip, and dumped it. Keep in mind that drain pours in this household are rare (one 11.2 oz. gusher of Spike and Jerome's BA Barleywine, one bomber of Stone Belgo Anise, and one growler - yeh, I said growler - of some unknown Chocolate City Brewery beer that I received as a gift), but the Storm was just heinous. Hell, I didn't even take a picture of the bottle...
Anyway, aside from being two years old (please keep in mind that age does work well for some beers), I knew we were going to have an issue when it took three tries to pop the cap off the bottle. Upon pouring, I was struck by a foul vinegar odor...thinking that the dog farted, I reprimanded him and then, completely oblivious, took a huge whiff of the pour...ouch. It wasn't the dog. Not only was this thing completely flat (again, this is fine for other beers), but it smelled rancid...not to be confused with sour...anyway, one sip yielded no flavor to speak of...imagine a bottle of white wine sitting, in the sun for a week...just nothing. Oh some, lose some...Lagunitas to the rescue! (see above)
ohtheguilt Ba score = 2.0 out of 5.0
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