Thursday, March 1, 2012

BFM Cuvee Alex Le Rogue

This has been a really good beer week for me...another favorite brewer for this one: BFM. Cuvee Alex Le Rogue is labeled as a Jurassian imperial stout brewed with black pepper, vanilla and tea. My bottle is labeled "Batch 2008," and as usual, I really have no idea if this is from 2008 or not...oh well...whatever, it is pretty decent. As with most good stouts, there is very little carbonation here. But that is basically where the similarities  end. There is a dark fruity aroma (maybe some cherries, even apple) and a slightly sour/bitter initial flavor that melds with tea as it lingers. The vanilla on the label is not noticeable, but there is distinctly black pepper on the finish. Other than the color and lack of carbonation, I don't really see this as being an imperial is definitely an imperial something, but not a stout. The more this thing warms, the more sour apple (both taste and smell) I am getting from it...really strange. This is a good/interesting beer, but it just isn't an imperial stout, and really wasn't anything like what I was expecting. I guess this makes sense coming from BFM, but I'm not sure how I feel about that, so I am going to skip scoring this one on Ba for now.

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