Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Anchorage Brewing - Galaxy

Again, apologies to the three people who read the blog about me being a slacker on getting new beers posted...between work and sessionable beer evenings, I just haven't been drinking much new stuff...

At any rate, I am in Louisiana for a work trip and since it really isn't worth posting an Louisiana Beer Tourism thread (check, you just get a single review of a beer that isn't distributed in GA.
 Anchorage Brewing Co.'s Galaxy is a "White IPA" which is bottled with Brett (look it up). If you haven't had Brett beers, you are likely going to be in for a shock on your first sip...just keep in mind that the beer is supposed to taste like a musty, funky old basement...

Now, the label on the bottle goes on about all this awesome stuff that is in the brew (Galaxy hops, coriander, kumquats, and peppercorns) and details the fermenting/aging process (both in french oak) which all sounds pretty freakin' cool...when you pop the cork it even smells VERY freakin' cool. Unfortunately though, all the awesome sounding and smelling items are completely missing in the taste. You can certainly taste the isn't overpowering like Bitter Monk was, but it is there.  Its kind of a let down. I don't dislike Galaxy, by any means, I just feel like it had so much to offer and then just didn't deliver. I am relatively certain that it has nothing to do with the fact that I am drinking it out of a Best Western plastic cup...I'm glad I picked this up, because it is a decent beer, but I doubt I'll buy another. If you don't like brett, save your $12...if you do like brett, split a bottle with a friend and give it a shot.

ohtheguilt Ba score 3.5 out of 5.0